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Spring 2018

Jun 6, 2018

Department of Chemistry & EID Co-Host Retreat

The Department of Chemistry (COS) and the Emerging & Infectious Diseases Program (CMI) co-hosted a seminar and workshop on June 5, 2018.  Dr. Sid Thakur (Associate Director-EID) and Dr. Joshua Pierce (Lead-Drug Discovery Initiative) led the retreat.  The keynote speaker was Dr. Thomas Prisinzano from the Department of Medicinal Chemistry at the University of Kansas. In… 

May 31, 2018

CMI Spring Seminar Series

CMI hosted three speakers this spring:Dr. Lijuan Yuan, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. EID and TPP co-sponsored Dr. Lijuan Yuan who is an Associate Professor of Virology in the Department of Biomedical Sciences and Pathobiology from Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University on April 5, 2018.  She spoke on “Norovirus Pathogenesis, Immunity and the… 

Apr 30, 2018

CMI Promotions Announcement

The CMI is delighted to congratulate the following academic promotions of four of our Executive Committee Members: Dr. Ke Cheng: Promoted to Full Professor Cheng is Co-Associate Director of the Functional Tissue Engineering program of the CMI and a leading researcher in the field of regenerative medicine. Among the multitude of approaches currently being investigated by… 

Apr 16, 2018

Fourches’ Publications Aided by CMI Collaborations

Three recent North Carolina State University press releases show the research done by Dr. Denis Fourches’ group in collaboration with College of Veterinary Medicine, Comparative Medicine Institute and College of Technology. Computers Discover Compounds That Could Reduce Listeria Virulence https// Computer Modeling of WNK Kinase Inhibitors Could Give Researchers New Tools for Understanding Hypertension https//… 

Apr 16, 2018

CMI Interactive Displays a Part of CVM Open House

The Comparative Medicine Institute coordinated the College of Veterinary Medicine’s Open House Research Building tour on Saturday, March 24, 2018.  The “Saving Lives through Discovery” program let visitors “meet world renowned scientist, explore career opportunities and learn about the many exciting discoveries taking place within the biomedical sciences and scientific research areas through interactive displays.” Over 50+… 

Apr 9, 2018

Trudy Mackay Says Farewell to CMI

Article written by Greer Arthur. Dr. Trudy Mackay, the first Associate Director of the Translational Genetics and Genomics (TGG) division of the CMI, is leaving NC State University to accept a prestigious position as director of the Center for Human Genetics at Clemson University, South Carolina. Her move is a significant loss for the CMI, but…