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Think, Collaborate & Do

Interdisciplinary Research Funding

CMI Ideation Event

Each year, the CMI holds the “Think, Collaborate & Do” Ideation event. This event invites faculty, graduate students and postdocs from all departments and colleges who have an interest in human and animal health to display a research summary poster that will allow them to make connections with potential collaborators they wouldn’t otherwise have met. They then form groups to come up with big, bold, new ideas in areas of focus to the CMI that become research proposals for the Ideation Awards. Below are examples of previous award and instructions for this year’s event.

2023-2024 Faculty Awards:

  • Development of zebrafish mast cell reporter lines to enhance the in vivo studies of mast cells in neurobiology, infection, and immunity. PIs: Natalia Duque-Wilkens (COS), Kurt Marsden (COS), Jeffrey Yoder (CVM). Funded by CMI, KIETS, & GGA.
  • TRAP-dexamethazone as a treatment of equine asthma. PIs: Katie Sheats (CVM) & Katarzyna Dembek (CVM). Funded by CMI & KIETS.
  • Using metalloenzymes to enable targeted C-C and C-N bond formation for valuable molecules preparation. PIs: Wei-Chen Chang (COS), Thomas Makris (CALS). Funded by CMI & KIETS.
  • In vitro analysis of a novel extracorporeal device for cytokine removal in equine sepsis and effects on immune function. PIs: Kallie Hobbs (CVM), Katie Sheats (CVM), Yu Ueda (CVM). Funded by CMI & KIETS.
  • Curbing Pathogen Transmission: Unleashing the Potential of a Biodegradable Photosensitizing Polymer. PIs: Tova Williams (WCOT), Chris Gorman (COS), Reza Ghiladi (COS). Funded by CMI & KIETS.
  • Strain Effects on Proteolysis of Extracellular Matrix in Biological Tissues. PIs: Shadow Huang (COE), Aaron Bell (COE). Funded by CMI & KIETS.
  • LGR5+ progenitor cells in cardiac development and regeneration. PIs: Jessica Gluck (WCOT), Ke Huang (CVM), Jorge Piedrahita (CVM). Funded by CMI & KIETS.

2023-2024 Student Awards

  • Nanotechnology-mediated Detection of Steroid Hormones in Serum to Study Female Reproductive Health. PIs: Hannah Dewey (WCOT), Jacob Thompson (COE). Funded by CMI & KIETS.
  • Biodegradable composite scaffolds for high-efficiency cellular transduction and CAR T cell synthesis. PIs: Christopher Moody (COE), Mengnan Dennis (WCOT). Funded by CMI & KIETS, with a CMI supplement for entrepreneurship.
  • Mathematical understanding of the underlying physical phenomena in viral cellular transduction. PIs: Micah Mallory (COE), Vishal Srikanth (COE). Funded by CMI & KIETS.
  • Cultivation of equine bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells with fibrin-based nanoparticle scaffolds. PIs: Shannon Connard (CVM), Sanika Pandit (COE). Funded by CMI & KIETS.

A big thank you to all who make these awards possible, including those who provided additional support in 2023-2024: CMI’s CATALYZE program, the College of Veterinary Medicine, the Kenan Institute for Engineering, Technology & Science, and the Genetics & Genomics Academy.

We invite you to join us for this exciting event to be held on

Thursday, August 15th 2024

12:00-5:00 p.m.

McKimmon Conference & Training Center

Due to the strategic planning outcomes of the CMI this year’s event will be combined with the Annual Research and Education Summit with the Think, Collaborate and Do in the morning and the Summit in the afternoon.

To participate in the morning event you must register and have a research summary poster to attend. Please look carefully at the sample posters. These are not traditional posters but specifically designed for this event. Examples are provided for single labs as well a group of faculty.

Free poster printing offered to the first 20 graduate students and postdocs to sign up via the above registration form.

Posters should be 24×36″ with a portrait orientation. Please also include a photo of yourself (if a group, the photo of the person to talk to during the event) so that others can recognize you at the event. Templates available at the link above. Please note that these templates are only examples. Use whichever template fits your research best, and feel free to modify as appropriate as long as the meet the overall content format (simple and general).

Proposal Details:

Proposals are due September 15th, submitted via the form linked below. Proposal formats are also available below. If you have any additional questions, contact Valerie O’Connor at

“Think, Collaborate & Do” Agenda

  • 8:00-8:30 Coffee, Sign-in & poster setup
  • 8:30-8:50 Welcome & Intro. Outcomes summary strategic planning
  • 8:50-9:20 Introduction to Data Enabled Modeling
  • 9:20-10:50 Learn & Mingle
  • 10:50-11:00 Coffee Break & Transitional Comments
  • 11:00-11:30 Ideate, Consolidate & Finalize
  • 11:30-11:40 Q&A, Closing Comments
  • 11:40-12:40 Lunch, Guest Speaker Keynote Address

About Keynote Speaker ccccc

Not sure what an Ideation event is? Here’s how it works:

Register to attend:Submit your research summary poster
Preview others’ posters electronically.
Learn & Mingle:Posters will be displayed unattended in two shifts to allow browsing
Leave your contact info for those you’d like to meet.
Ideate & Consolidate:Join groups and exchange ideas.
Finalize your ideas:Plan follow-up meetings & write your proposal


Still have questions about “Think, Collaborate & Do?” View the info session recording below ( email required).

Other Funding Opportunities Outside of this Event:

  • Research Focus Area-specific opportunities: These seed grants vary year-to-year and are at the discretion of each area’s Associate Directors. Join the CMI & your preferred focus area to be notified when these awards are announced.
  • Young Scholar Program (YSP) / Summer Interdisciplinary Research Initiative (SIRI) awards: Annually each fall semester. Graduate students & postdocs create interdisciplinary projects and select undergraduate students as lab assistants mentees. Details here & here.
  • CATALYZE Entrepreneurship & Commercialization opportunities: Visit the Entrepreneurship page to learn more about the CATALYZE startup pitch contest, the Business and Medicine (BaM) program, and more.