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FTE Seed Grant Competition

FTE hosted a Seed Grant Competition on December 2, 2015. The members of the FTE were invited to come and introduce themselves and their research to compete for three $10,000 pilot grants. After introductions, everyone was then given time to discuss new ideas and develop potential collaborations with fellow attending members. The lead member of the newly formed potential collaboration was given five minutes to present their idea. All present were allowed to vote for the top three.

The winners are:

·Chris Adin, CVM; Ke Cheng, CVM, Binil Starly, COE: Fabrication of Islet-Cardiosphere Derived Cell (Islet-CDC) Spheriods to Improve Outcomes in Islet Transplantation.

·Ashley Brown, COE; Ke Cheng, CVM: Theranostic platelet-like particles for targeted treatment of cardiac disease.

·Rohan Shirwaiker, COE; Binil Starly COE: Ultrasound-Assisted Bioprinting