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Our Honored Membership

The Comparative Medicine Institute is currently made up of over 180 full members and 65 associate members representing NC State College of Veterinary Medicine, College of Agriculture and Life Science, College of Science, College of Textiles, College of Engineering, College of Natural Resources, as well as University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, Duke University, Wake Forest University, Temple University, and Cornell University.  CMI has a diverse but highly accomplished membership. CMI would like to take this moment to acknowledge some of the outstanding achievements of our members this past academic year. This is by far not all of them….

Dr. Barrangou (EID) won the Warren Alpert Foundation Prize.

Dr. Chase Beisel, (Executive Board Member, EID) received NIH Maximizing Investigators’ Research Award for Early Stage Investigators, Emerging Leader Award from Bay Area Lyme Foundation, Sigma Xi Faculty Scholars Award from Sigma Xi Research Society NCSU chapter.

Dr. Michael Daniele (FTE) and Dr. Fran Ligler, FTE Associate Director received the Edison Patent Award.

Dr. David Dorman (TPP) was named a National Associate of the National Research Council of the National Academies (2016) and received Zoetis Award for Veterinary Research Excellence (2016).

Dr. Johanna Elfenbein (EID) received Merial NIH Veterinary Scholars Young Investigator Award.

Dr. Matthew Fisher (FTE) received the NC State University Faculty Research and Professional Development Award

Dr. Denis Fourches (EID) won the 2015 ACS award for best talk given at the annual Symposium on Emerging Technologies in Computational Chemistry held by the COMP (Computers in Chemistry) Division. The talk was entitled: “Next Generation Approaches in Computational Chemistry.”

Dr. Jody Gookin (EID) was awarded the FluoroScience Distinguished Professor of Veterinary in Veterinary Scholars Research Education and University Faculty Scholar.

Dr. Zhen Gu (FTE) has received several honors this past year. They include Tech Review’s Innovators Under 35, CMBE Young Innovator, Science Magazine’s Top 10 Images of 2015, 2016 Sloan Research Fellowship, 2016 Good 100 Honoree.

Dr. Matthew Lockett (FTE) was inducted as an honorary member into the UNC Chapter of Tau Sigma, the national transfer student honor society.

Dr. Trudy Mackay, TGG Associate Director, received the prestigious 2016 Wolf Prize for Agriculture.

Dr. Chris McGahan (TPP) was awarded 2016 Alumni Outstanding Research Award and was selected to be in the NC State Research Leadership Academy.

Dr. Ross Meentemeyer (EID) was elected President of the U.S. International Association of Landscape Ecology.

Dr. Kate Meurs (TGG) is the first recipient of the Mark L. Morris Jr. Investigator Award.

Dr. Mark Papich (TPP) was awarded Burroughs Wellcome Fund Professorship in Veterinary Pharmacology.

Dr. Jorge Piedrahita, Director CMI, who was named the Randall B. Terry Jr. Distinguished Professor in Translational Medicine.

Dr. Michael Reiskind (EID) was awarded CALS Teaching Award of Merit.

Efra Rivera Serrano, (EID) Associate Member received first prize for his poster presentation at the CVM Research forum.

Barb Sherman (TPP) was awarded the NC State Libraries Faculty Award in 2016.

Dr. Rohan Shirwaiker (FTE) was awarded Institute of Industrial & Systems Engineers’ (IISE) 2015 Manufacturing and Design Outstanding Young Investigator Award as well as, the Society of Manufacturing Engineers’ (SME) 2016 Robert J. Hocken Outstanding Young Manufacturing Engineer Award.

Dr. Mark D. Sobsey (EID) was the recipient of 2016 National Water Research Institute’s Clarke Prize.

Dr. Michael Stoskopf (TPP) was awarded the most prestigious award of the American Association of Zoo Veterinarians, the Lifetime Achievement Award from the American Association of Zoo Veterinarians. He was also named a Steward of the Future by The Research for Ocean Health and Community Sustainability Regional Exchange Group

Dr. Casey Theriot was awarded the NIH Maximizing Investigators’ Award MIRA.

Dr. Alan Tonelli (FTE) was received the 2015 Outstanding Graduate Faculty Mentor Award.

Dr. Gavin Williams (EID) received the NC State University Faculty Scholars Award and the Chancellors Innovation Award for 2016.

Dr. Amanda Ziegler, (TPP) Associate Member, received the Grayson-Jockey Club Research Foundation Elaine Klein Career Development Award.

These are just some of the honors that the CMI membership have awarded. If you are a member, please keep Linda Costine ( appraised of your accomplishments.