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CMI Faculty Present Sponsored Research at North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences Science Café

Schnabel Fisher NCMNS2

Dr. Lauren Schnabel and Dr. Matt Fisher presented “Repair the Tear: Healing Sports Injuries in Horse and Humans” at the March 2016 North Carolina Museum of Natural Science, Science Café. More than 60 participants learned how cutting-edge regenerative therapies, including stem cells and biomaterials, are being used for the treatment of musculoskeletal injuries of elite athletes and weekend warriors. Dr. Schnabel and Dr. Fisher shared that, by harnessing the body’s own biological potential, patients can rebound from injury faster and with less pain. Highlights included examples related to tendon and cartilage injuries and how the lessons we have learned from treating our equine patients can be applied to humans.

About the speakers

  • Dr. Lauren Schnabel, DVM, PhD, DACVS, DACVSMR, is an Assistant Professor of Equine Orthopedic Surgery at North Carolina State University. She is board certified in both Equine Surgery and Equine Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation and runs the Equine Orthopedic Research Laboratory and Clinical Stem Cell Service.
  • Dr. Matthew Fisher, PhD, is an Assistant Professor in the Joint Department of Biomedical Engineering at North Carolina State University and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
  • They are both active members of the Functional Tissue Engineering Program of the Comparative Medicine Institute.   Together, they are working on ways to create a novel stem cell product for off-the-shelf use