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CMI Member Event – Great Success

awardretreat_2016Comparative Medicine Institute held its first Member Event on Tuesday, August 30. With approximately 120 people in attendance, members were shown the accomplishments of the 10-month-old institute through talks and poster presentations.

The day began with opening remarks by Dr. Jorge Piedrahita. Each of the four Programs (EID, FTE, TGG and TPP) had the opportunity to feature their achievements through updates by the Associate Directors (Sid Thakur, Fran Ligler, Trudy Mackay, and Duncan Lascelles) as well as the presentation of some of the CMI-funded research.

A highlight of the afternoon was the poster exhibition that displayed 28 posters representing research impacted by the CMI either by direct funding or by collaborative discussions. Undergraduates and Associate Members were allowed to compete for a poster award. The winners of the competition included: Jenessa Winston in the associate member category and Christian Lochbaum from the undergraduate category.

The event was capped off by Dr. Rebar thanking the membership for their dedication and re-emphasizing the university’s commitment to comparative medicine. We look forward to an even more successful annual event next year!