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“Reversing the Irreversible”-CMI at the NCMNS Science Café

By Julie Nettifee

brown_cheng_science-cafeCMI-Functional Tissue Engineering (FTE) members, Dr. Ke Cheng and Dr. Ashley Brown, presented “Reversing the Irreversible: Repairing Heart Damage” at the North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences. They discussed novel therapies in cardiac stem cell regenerative medicine with more than 65 attendees at the Sciences Café on July 28. This talk is one in a monthly series of Science Cafés designed to bring stimulating science presentations to audiences in a dynamic and interactive environment. “Reversing the Irreversible: Repairing Heart Damage” can be viewed online at:

If you are interested in participating in future Science Cafés or outreach opportunities, please email CMI Program Associate, Julie Nettifee,