TPP Host October Pilot Project Event
By Linda Costine
On October 17, 2016, Translational Pharmacology and Physiology Program held a meeting to determine funding of two pilot projects. The focus was on interdisciplinary proposals between TPP/CMI members and the generation of data for larger grant submissions. Members were allowed to mingle and discuss potential collaborations. Each competing team was allowed five minutes to present their proposal. As with our other grant competitions, in order for the evaluation to be open, all members in attendance were allowed to vote. After voting, the top two teams that were awarded $13,000 grants were:
“Alkylamides for the Treatment of Allergic and Inflammatory Diseases” – Dr. Scott Laster (COS), Dr. Wolfgang Baeumer (CVM), Dr. Santosh Mishra (CVM), Dr. Joshua Pierce (COS), Dr. Denis Fourches (COS).
“Development of Dual JAK/TRPV1 Inhibitors for the Treatment of Chronic Pain” – Dr. Wolfgang Baeumer (CVM), Dr. Joshua Pierce (COS) and Dr. Denis Fourches (COS).
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