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Jun 1, 2017

CMI Researchers’ Animal Model May Aid in Comparative Knee Studies

Stephanie G. Cone and Matthew B. Fisher, CMI members from North Carolina State University and the University of North Carolina, Sean G. Simpson, Jorge A. Piedrahita (CMI Director) from North Carolina State University and Lynn A. Fordham and Jeffrey T. Spang from University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill have published a paper in the… 

Apr 26, 2017

CMI Interactive Science Outreach at CVM Open House 2017

    An estimated 10,000+ visitors explored the NC State College of Veterinary Medicine’s Open House on Saturday, April 1.  CMI/CVM research exhibits provided hands-on interactive science in program areas such as infectious disease modeling, clinical studies, regenerative medicine, and forensics.  A few of the activities included: “Building Bionic Dogs,” “Growing Hearts and Bones in a Dish,” “Infectious Diseases and One… 

Apr 26, 2017

CMI Andy’s Army Invited Visitors To CVM 2017 Open House

Written by Patti Reitz and Susan Bechtel, Andy’s Army (Reprinted with Permission) For kids, a trip to Disneyland is as good as it gets. For Patti Reitz and Sue Bechtel of Andy’s Army, our fantasy trip was a visit to the College of Veterinary Medicine at North Carolina State University in Raleigh, North Carolina. Thanks… 

Apr 26, 2017

CMI-CNR-PDU Collaborate to Mentor NSF Grant Team

By Julie Nettifee A joint collaboration between the Comparative Medicine Institute (CMI), NC State College of Natural Resources (CNR) and NC State Proposal Development unit (PDU) was initiated to support the development of National Science Foundation’s (NSF) Emerging and Infectious Disease proposals.  These proposals are innovative and novel, and will allow groups of interdisciplinary investigators to enhance their own… 

Mar 9, 2017

Dr. Carbonell Speaks on Exploring NIIMBL Opportunities

By Frances Ligler On February 22, the FTE Program of the CMI hosted an evening with Dr. Ruben Carbonell, who is the new Chief Technology Officer for National Institute for Innovation in Manufacturing Biopharmaceuticals (NIIMBL) and a CMI-FTE member.  This national consortium is NIST funded at a level of approximately $70 million with matching funds of at “least $129 million from 150… 

Mar 9, 2017

NSF CAREER Award for Dr. Rohan Shirwaiker Initially Fueled by CMI-FTE Pilot Funding

  CMI-FTE member, Rohan A. Shirwaiker, Assistant Professor, Edward P. Fitts Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering and Associate Faculty, UNC/NCSU Joint Department of Biomedical Engineering has recently received the NSF CAREER award for his proposal: Ultrasound-Assisted Biofabrication Of Biomimetic Soft Tissue Constructs With Aligned Fiber Organization.  This research was supported in the project’s initial stages by…