CMI-CNR-PDU Collaborate to Mentor NSF Grant Team
By Julie Nettifee
A joint collaboration between the Comparative Medicine Institute (CMI), NC State College of Natural Resources (CNR) and NC State Proposal Development unit (PDU) was initiated to support the development of National Science Foundation’s (NSF) Emerging and Infectious Disease proposals. These proposals are innovative and novel, and will allow groups of interdisciplinary investigators to enhance their own proposal development skills with the mentoring of all three groups, PDU as well as faculty from the CMI and CNR. Dr. Sid Thakur and Dr. Marion McCord co-led the workshop attended by approximately 20 faculty from a variety of disciplines; Irma Rose (CNR) Derek Gatlin (PDU) and Julie Nettifee (CMI) provided team facilitation support.
Presentations during the workshop were led by NSF Grant proposal awardees including Dr. Christine Lanzas and Dr. Ross Meentemeyer, as well as PDU Director. Pradip Pramanik. Interdisciplinary emerging and infectious disease projects will be chosen from group ideas as the NSF seeks to enhance and develop teams to address critical needs in disease understanding, surveillance and outbreaks.
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