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Nov 7, 2016

FTE Grant Competition/Networking Event

By Dr. Frances Ligler The Functional Tissue Engineering Members and Associates held the FTE Seed Grant event on Thursday October 13, 2016.  We had a lively networking session and exchange of ideas. Four outstanding presentations competed for two grants.  The winners were Dr. Qian Li (UNC) with Dr. Ke Cheng (CVM) – “Direct Cardiac Reprogramming via Targeted CRISPR/Cas9… 

Oct 13, 2016

CMI Member Event – Great Success

Comparative Medicine Institute held its first Member Event on Tuesday, August 30. With approximately 120 people in attendance, members were shown the accomplishments of the 10-month-old institute through talks and poster presentations. The day began with opening remarks by Dr. Jorge Piedrahita. Each of the four Programs (EID, FTE, TGG and TPP) had the opportunity… 

Oct 13, 2016

A Word from the Director, Dr. Jorge Piedrahita

We are now officially a year old! It has been a great first year and we have accomplished a lot in such a short time. This bodes well for the future. One of our initial goals was to expand our membership to include faculty from other colleges and nearby universities and we have been successful… 

Oct 13, 2016

Translational Genetics and Genomics Summer Intern Program is a Success

By Linda Costine The Translational Genetics and Genomics Program (TGG) was very busy this summer with their inaugural Undergraduate Internship Program. This spring, eight CMI-collaborative research projects were funded for undergraduate students majoring in Genetics. These TGG research awards paid $5000 to each student with an additional $4500 for supplies. These interns began their research… 

Oct 13, 2016

Emerging and Infectious Disease Program to Host Symposium

By Dr. Sid Thakur The Emerging and Infectious Disease Program (EID) worked on several grant submissions over the summer, including a T32 titled “Duke University – NC State University One Health Disease Training Program.” EID has plans to host a joint Symposium with the Triangle Center for Evolutionary Medicine (TriCEM) and the Center for Quantitative Sciences… 

Oct 13, 2016

Functional Tissue Engineering Seminar Series Resumed

By Dr. Fran Ligler The Functional Tissue Engineering Program (FTE) has some exciting programs scheduled this upcoming year. The “Regenerating Opportunities” Collaborative Seminar Series will begin again. The series is slated to be hosted by different members of the Regenerative Medicine working group – College of Engineering, College of Textiles, College of Veterinary Medicine and…