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Oct 13, 2016

Translational Pharmacology and Physiology Program Define Working Groups

By Dr. Duncan Lascelles The Translational Pharmacology and Physiology Program (TPP) held a workshop on May 12.  Each faculty in attendance presented an overview of their research.  The membership of the TPP is very diverse and this program helped to prompt discussions on collaborative potentials. Since this meeting, three defined working groups within this Program… 

Oct 13, 2016

“Reversing the Irreversible”-CMI at the NCMNS Science Café

By Julie Nettifee CMI-Functional Tissue Engineering (FTE) members, Dr. Ke Cheng and Dr. Ashley Brown, presented “Reversing the Irreversible: Repairing Heart Damage” at the North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences. They discussed novel therapies in cardiac stem cell regenerative medicine with more than 65 attendees at the Sciences Café on July 28. This talk is… 

Oct 13, 2016

CMI Participates in Rare Disease Advisory Council Legislative Awareness Day

By Julie Nettifee Director, Dr. Jorge Piedrahita and Program Associate, Julie Nettifee represented CMI at the “Every Day is Rare Disease Day,” sponsored by N.C. Rare Disease Advisory Council and N.C. Rare Disease Coalition. This June 7 event at the Legislative Complex was created “to thank the state’s legislators for creating the N.C. Rare Disease… 

Oct 13, 2016

Students from UNC Jaycee Burn Center: “Teen Weekend Escape” Hosted

By Julie Nettifee Members of the CMI took part in hosting approximately 24 students and counselors from the UNC Jaycee Burn Center. A program on “interactive science” was the first stop on an NC State tour coordinated by Tara Britt and UNC Burn Center Camp Counselors. After an overview by Dr. Jorge Piedrahita and Julie Nettifee,… 

Oct 13, 2016

CMI One Medicine Fund Supports Pilot Grant in Canine Osteosarcoma

By Julie Nettifee Osteosarcoma is a devastating disease that annually affects thousands of people, as well as thousands of dogs. Currently, the standard method of treatment for successful management of osteosarcoma involves a wide excision of the primary tumor followed by the systemic treatment with chemotherapy. This typical standard of care, systemic therapy, can have… 

Oct 13, 2016

CVM Open House, April 1, 2016

By Julie Nettifee CMI Members – “Do you have great research to share? “Do you enjoy talking with potential ‘budding’ scientists?” “Do you want to make a difference in the lives of others by helping them to learn about comparative and translational medicine?” The 2017 Open House for the College of Veterinary Medicine has been…