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Nov 25, 2019

CFAMP Hosts Dr. Harry Dawson

The Center for Allergy Modeling in Pigs (CFAMP), the newly formed center under the Translational Pharmacology and Physiology Program of the CMI, hosted a seminar with Dr. Harry Dawson on November 19, 2019 in the RB101 CVM Research Building.  Dr. Dawson in a Senior Scientist in the Diet, Genomics and Immunology Laboratory of the United… 

Nov 6, 2019

New TPP Center Hosts Retreat

Center for Food Allergy Modeling in the Pig (CFAMP),  a new center under the Translational Pharmacology and Physiology Program, held a retreat on October 8, 2019.  It was a retreat to further establish a collaboration with the NC Center for Esophageal Pharmacoengineering (NCCEP). They are planning on submitting a National Institute Health R01 grant. The program… 

Oct 30, 2019

Young Scholar Awards Program 2019-20

Once a year, the CMI invites it’s Associate Members to submit research proposals (from interdisciplinary teams of associate members) for the Summer Interdisciplinary Research Initiative (SIRI). Selected Associate Members will be named CMI Young Scholars and will serve as mentors for an undergraduate student in Spring/Summer of 2020. To facilitate the collaborative proposal development process an… 

Oct 29, 2019

Fall 2019 Seminar Speakers

The Comparative Medicine Institute hosted three seminar speakers this semester: Dr. Carl Imhauser was hosted by the Functional Tissue Engineering Program on September 17.  He spoke on the “Knee Biomechanics in a Hospital Setting: Translating Basic Knowledge to Improve Patient Care.”   HSS is the leading institution for orthopaedic and musculoskeletal care in the United States.… 

Oct 22, 2019

Functional Tissue Engineering Program’s New Leaders

The Functional Tissue Engineering Program (FTE) is welcoming new leadership.  Dr. Binil Starly will be stepping down and Dr. Lauren Schnabel and Dr. Rohan Shirwaiker will become co-Associate Directors.  Dr. Matthew Fisher will be heading the Musculoskeletal Group under the purview of the FTE. Dr. Lauren Schnabel is an Associate Professor of Equine Orthopedic Surgery… 

Sep 19, 2019

2019 BaM Project Reports

The five teams of Master of Microbial Biotechnology Program gave their final reports on September 19, 2019 at Stephens Room 3503 Thomas Hall. The project titles and teams were: Minimizing the PainPoints: Revolutionizing Point of Care Diagnostics CMI PI: Dr. Michael Daniele MMB Team Members: Emily Vernon (Team Lead), Karly Dugan, Jamal Koledoye, Leslie Shannon,…