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Oct 13, 2016

Our Honored Membership

The Comparative Medicine Institute is currently made up of over 180 full members and 65 associate members representing NC State College of Veterinary Medicine, College of Agriculture and Life Science, College of Science, College of Textiles, College of Engineering, College of Natural Resources, as well as University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, Duke University, Wake Forest University,… 

Oct 13, 2016

Welcome New Members

New Full Members (since 5/16) Paula Cray, Professor, CVM – EID Zhen Gu, Assistant Professor, NCSU/UNC-CH – FTE Larry Glickman, Senior Scientist, UNC-CH – EID Barbara Kowalcyk, Adjunct Assistant Professor, CALS – EID Bruce Cairns, Medical Director, UNC-CH – FTE Rob Dunn, Professor, CALS – EID Adriana San-Miguel, Assistant Professor, COE – FTE/TGG Albert Keung,… 

Jul 6, 2016

NC TraCS, ORIED, CMI, and CVM Announce a New Pilot Grant

The North Carolina Translational and Clinical Sciences Institutes (NC TraCS), the NC State Office of Research Innovation and Economic Development (ORIED), the Comparative Medicine Institute (CMI),  and  the College of Veterinary Medicine (CVM) announce a new pilot grant to promote interdisciplinary, inter-institutional collaborative research teams. “This pilot program is designed to encourage and facilitate novel clinical and… 

May 23, 2016

Fisher and Schnabel Receive NC State RISF Award with Matching Funds through CMI

By Dr. Fran Ligler BME Assistant Professor Matt Fisher and NC State College of Veterinary Medicine Assistant Professor Lauren Schnabel were awarded a Research and Innovation Seed Funding grant from NC State for their project titled “Effect of 3D culture and inflammatory conditions on equine mesenchymal stem immunophenotype and secretome stability – A Pilot Study.” In this… 

May 2, 2016

Word from the Director

It has been six months since we officially became the CMI and things are  moving at a fast pace. As you will see in the newsletter, each of the research programs has embarked on a series of new projects and initiatives, and the CMI overall continues to expand its membership and bring in faculty from multiple… 

May 2, 2016

CMI Faculty Present Sponsored Research at North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences Science Café

Dr. Lauren Schnabel and Dr. Matt Fisher presented “Repair the Tear: Healing Sports Injuries in Horse and Humans” at the March 2016 North Carolina Museum of Natural Science, Science Café. More than 60 participants learned how cutting-edge regenerative therapies, including stem cells and biomaterials, are being used for the treatment of musculoskeletal injuries of elite…